July 2022 – April 2023

As a result of a stubborn cargo fire on a bulker  (64.000 DWT)  docked at the port of Ghent,  approx. 30.000 cbm of firewater had to be disposed from the vessel and needed to be treated accordingly. 

MAC² Port Reception Facility offered its services and managed to organize transport and final treatment for a large, considerable part.

All parties involved expressed their gratitude to MAC² Maritime assisting on short notice, frequently sending out analytical reports & providing weekly updates.


Ships produce vast amounts of garbage – Marpol V. Under the EU indirect fee system, ships can dispose these in Antwerp without additional charges (*). MAC² is authorized collector in that system and organizes 24/7 collection by barge, by truck, by drop-off container and at our terminal.
(*) see conditions in Port Regulations

Engine sludges, slops, and EGS waste

Collecting and treating liquid maritime waste – Marpol I, II, IV and VI – waste, is at the core of our offering. Our 3 tanker barges operate 24/7, and are supported by truck collection for small quantities. Beneath the traditional sludges and slops, we also handle the more difficult low flash slops, pre-washes and scrubber waste. All waste is treated at our treatment plant in the 4th harbour dock, with maximum recycling of valuable components.