24/7 – always on the move

About MAC2

The Company

In 1997, MAC² (then named MARPOBEL) started building the first fully fledged MARPOL port reception facility in the Port of Antwerp.

To host this activity, they chose the abandoned Béliard shipyard site in the 4th harbour dock, which was fully converted for the oil recycling mission.

Over the years, regulations have changed, and MAC² has continued adapting to the emerging needs of its clients. As such they maintained their position as the key Port Reception Facility in the port of Antwerp.

The Team

Sailors, process operators, maintenance engineers, cleaners, warehouse, lab technicians, supervisors, planners, chemists, managers: we all share the same passion for servicing clients and preserving the environment.

Environmental care

The main contribution to the environment is currently oil recycling. By regeneration of oil/ water emulsions of maritime and industrial origin, we avoid both the potential pollution of the environment as well as the use of scarce virgin mineral resources. With accelerating decarbonisation, our focus will – over time – shift from oil recycling to water preservation, through the capability of water purification of highly contaminated waste waters.

Group Machiels: pioneer in sustainability

MAC² is proud to be part of Group Machiels, a global operator in renewable energy, environmental services as well as residential and industrial real estate. Founded in 1941 as a construction company, the family-owned company has positioned itself as an innovative player in green energy generation, sustainable waste disposal and water treatment.

Continuously investing in environmental technologies, Group Machiels has established a strong reputation as a preserver of our natural resources.


Ships produce vast amounts of garbage – Marpol V. Under the EU indirect fee system, ships can dispose these in Antwerp without additional charges (*). MAC² is authorized collector in that system and organizes 24/7 collection by barge, by truck, by drop-off container and at our terminal.
(*) see conditions in Port Regulations

Engine sludges, slops, and EGS waste

Collecting and treating liquid maritime waste – Marpol I, II, IV and VI – waste, is at the core of our offering. Our 3 tanker barges operate 24/7, and are supported by truck collection for small quantities. Beneath the traditional sludges and slops, we also handle the more difficult low flash slops, pre-washes and scrubber waste. All waste is treated at our treatment plant in the 4th harbour dock, with maximum recycling of valuable components.